Author Archives: Ray

Guaranteed US Government Grants

Another site you can also have a look at is the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance or the CFDA. This has a list of Government grants and assistance. The Catalog also allows you to punch in key words for you to browse through the available grants out there by Category or by Topic Area. Now that you found the grant perfect for you, you have to really understand what is written on the Eligibility Requirements. Understand these and make sure that you are qualified before you apply […]

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Grant Money For Small Business

If you’re frustrated by the conflicting and inaccurate information you’ve found regarding grant money for a small business, then don’t worry. This article is your best source for the most accurate and up to date data. Read on and find out why! Many people today searching for small business grant money to start their own for profit business assume that grants are nothing more than “free money.” Well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but small business grant money is hardly “free money” at all. […]

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Government Grants

GRANT is not exactly a loan, Attempting to get funds through a orthodox financial institution can be very lengthy and requires loads of paperwork, only to find out that you’ve been refused. These Government Agencies don’t have to work under the same abovesaid requirements that banks do. You work on how much funds you require, as long as it’s a legible amount and complies with Government Agencies basis, the fund is yours to keep and you don’t have to repay it. This money is interest free and […]

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Right Way To Getting US Gov Grants

In writing, do not be impatient. Most people devote two to four weeks in general just to compose a Government proposal. They have to make sure that whatever proposal they send to the government agency, it will be the gist of whatever direction their business endeavor will head to. At the same time, it would have to be credible and deserving of the funding the government could possibly bestow to them. Gather the information about your company. You can get these in the paperwork they provide you […]

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Free Money And Government Grants, Frequently Asked Questions

Numerous grants from the government are unclaimed every year for various reasons. Many people just don’t know these free money from the government is accessible to the public. Some people are discouraged about the application process for grants mostly because they’ve been given incorrect information on the actions necessary. Another reason people just don’t take the time to apply for grant money because they are frightened about what is unknown to them. Because billions are unspent every year resulting from a lack of understanding and knowledge, the […]

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Get The Government To Finance College

If you’ve been searching around for loan information you surely have heard of the Department of Education loans. These loans are the ones that we will be explaining in this article. The US Department of Education The US Department of Education concentrates almost all government aid for those who need finance to go to college. This department is known for being extremely precise and strict with its proceedings on loan application. You’ll need to be prepared and have all the information prior to applying for a loan. […]

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Finding Small Business Grants

Poor financing is the number two reason small businesses fail, falling right behind poor management. Sufficient funding is paramount to the success of small businesses, and small business grants can be the answer to the problem. If business owners have the necessary knowledge about how to find and properly request grants, they have a better shot at creating a successful business that will be open longer and prosper. There are over 300 different grants and loans available for small businesses that are just starting out. The grants […]

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About Free Federal Grants

A lot of people go gaga over the whole concept of free federal grants. The moot point is, is it really free? If you were to read Jay M. Shafritz’s book ‘American Government and Politics’, he defines what a grant is. A grant, he says, is a gift that has certain obligations for the grantee and expectations from the grantor. A grant is no one-way street as most people looking for grants would like to believe. A grant comes to you inbuilt with the word ‘obligations’. And […]

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How to Find Government Grants

Each year, the federal government gives out over 150 billion dollars in Government funded grant programs to businesses and individuals. These grants are provided to assist businesses in growing and providing jobs, and to help individuals raise funds for education or other personal needs. Despite the abundance of grant programs available, many businesses and individuals are finding it difficult to locate grants. The system can be very confusing. Luckily, there is progress being made. The federal government actually has a website, that you can visit and […]

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How to Find a US Gov Grant

There are a lot of ways through which you can find grants for your educational needs. Look specifically for grants that pertain to your profile. And take note of other similar grants. Aside from government grants there are tens of thousands of other educational grants offered by each state, by private foundations, and other non-profit organizations. A good way to find these grants would be to consult with some local education officials or to log on to the internet, which should help you find a matching organization […]

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